

The charts page shows various charts and graphs that provide insights into the map. These charts can help you understand how the map is progressing, which team is performing better, and which team is making the biggest impact. By analyzing the charts, you can see trends in the map and make informed decisions about your strategy.

There are currently three charts available on the charts page:

  • Kills By Fight: This chart shows a timeline of the kills that occurred in each fight throughout the map.
  • Final Blows By Role: This chart shows the final blows that each role on each team accumulated throughout the map.
  • Cumulative Hero Damage By Round: This chart shows the cumulative hero damage for each round of the map.

There are more charts and graphs that will be added in the future. Have a suggestion for a chart or graph you'd like to see? Contact us via Discord (opens in a new tab) or send us an email at [email protected] and let us know!

Kills By Fight

The Kills By Fight chart shows a timeline of the kills that occurred in each fight throughout the map. Kills are grouped into fights based on the time between kills. If a kill happens within 15 seconds of another kill, it is considered part of the same fight. If a kill happens more than 15 seconds after the last kill, it is considered a new fight. There are two line charts on the Kills By Fight chart: one for each team. Each line represents the kills for that team in each fight. Team 1 is shown in blue, and Team 2 is shown in red. The x-axis represents the time in seconds, and the y-axis represents the cumulative kills. Team 1 is represented with positive numbers, while Team 2 is represented with negative numbers. The chart resets to 0 after each fight.

Kills By Fight An example of the Kills By Fight chart showing the kills for each team in each fight.

This chart is useful for understanding the flow of the map and how each team is performing. By analyzing the Kills By Fight chart, you can see when teams are excelling and when teams are struggling by looking at the peaks and valleys of the lines. You can also see easily when your team is experiencing droughts in kills and when the enemy team is making a big impact.

Special thanks to Zei for contributing the idea for this chart!

Final Blows By Role

The Final Blows By Role chart shows the final blows that each role on each team accumulated throughout the map. There are two bar charts on the Final Blows By Role chart: one for each team. Each bar represents the final blows for that role on that team. The roles are split into Tank, Damage, and Support. The x-axis represents the role, and the y-axis represents the number of final blows.

Final Blows By Role An example of the Final Blows By Role chart showing the final blows for each role on each team.

This chart is useful for understanding which roles are making the biggest impact on the map. By analyzing the example Final Blows By Role chart, we can see that the Damage role on Team 1 is making the biggest impact, while the Support role on Team 2 is making the biggest impact. This information can help you make informed decisions about your strategy and focus your efforts on supporting the roles that are underperforming.

Cumulative Hero Damage By Round

The cumulative hero damage by round chart shows the hero damage done by round for each team. The x-axis represents the round, and the y-axis represents the damage done.

Note that the damage is cumulative, so the damage done in round 2 includes the damage done in round 1.

Cumulative Hero Damage By Round An example of the Cumulative Hero Damage By Round chart showing the hero damage done by round for each team.

This chart is useful for understanding how each team is applying pressure and dealing damage throughout the map. By analyzing the Cumulative Hero Damage By Round chart above, we can see that Team 1 dealt more damage in the first three rounds, while Team 2 caught up and outdamaged Team 1 in the last two rounds. This information can help you understand which team is applying more pressure and making a bigger impact on the map. This also allows you to quickly identify which rounds were easier for your team and which rounds your team struggled in.