

See which players are at the top of the leaderboard.

Leaderboard A screenshot of the leaderboard page.

The leaderboard tracks the following metrics:

  • Top 3 Most Played Heroes
  • Top 3 Players by Kills
  • Top 3 Players by Hero Damage
  • Top 3 Players by Healing
  • Top 3 Players by Damage Blocked
  • Top 3 Players by Deaths
  • Top 3 Players by Time Played
  • Top 3 Players with the Most Ajaxes

Top 3 Most Played Heroes

This category shows the most played heroes across all scrims uploaded to Parsertime. This is calculated by the hero time played stat tracked in the scrim data.

Top 3 Players by Kills

This category shows the players with the most final blows across all scrims uploaded to Parsertime. Please note that final blows are not the same as eliminations. Final blows are the last hit that kills an enemy player, whereas eliminations are the total number of kills and assists.

Top 3 Players by Hero Damage

This category shows the players with the most hero damage across all scrims uploaded to Parsertime. Hero damage is the total amount of damage dealt to enemy heroes. This does not include damage dealt to barriers.

Top 3 Players by Healing

This category shows the players with the most healing dealt across all scrims uploaded to Parsertime. This does not include self-healing or healing received.

Top 3 Players by Damage Blocked

This category shows the players with the most damage blocked across all scrims uploaded to Parsertime. Damage blocked is the total amount of damage absorbed by barriers and other abilities that block damage.

Top 3 Players by Deaths

This category shows the players with the most deaths across all scrims uploaded to Parsertime. You may want to avoid being on this leaderboard!

Top 3 Players by Time Played

This category shows the players with the most time played across all scrims uploaded to Parsertime. This is the total amount of time spent in-game.

Top 3 Players with the Most Ajaxes

This category shows the players with the most Ajaxes across all scrims uploaded to Parsertime. Ajaxes are a special event that occurs when a Lúcio player dies during the cast of their ultimate ability. This is another leaderboard you may want to avoid!