Reporting Bugs

Reporting bugs

If you encounter any issues with Parsertime, there are a few ways you can report them to us:

We will do our best to fix the issue as soon as possible.

Report a Bug Menu

Using the in-app Report a Bug menu is the easiest way to report an issue.

  1. Open the command menu by pressing Ctrl + K (or Cmd + K on MacOS) or by clicking the "Search..." button in the top right corner of the app. Command Menu

  2. Type Report a Bug and press Enter. Report a bug

  3. Fill out the form with as much detail as possible and click Submit. Report bug form

Some information will be pre-filled for you, such as your email address and the URL of the page you are on. This helps us to identify and fix the issue more quickly. We may reach out to you for more information if needed.


You can also reach out to us on Discord (opens in a new tab) to report an issue. Our support team is active on Discord and will do our best to help you resolve the issue.


If you prefer to send an email, you can reach us at [email protected]. Please include as much detail as possible about the issue you are experiencing, including steps to reproduce it if possible. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.