
Compare Players

The compare players page allows you to compare the stats of two players side by side. This can be useful for analyzing how two players performed in a match and analyzing their head-to-head performance. By comparing players, you can see how they stack up against each other in terms of kills, deaths, damage, healing, and other key stats.

Compare Players An example of the Compare Players page showing the stats of two Sojourn players side by side.

The comparison page shows the stats of each player side by side. Using the above example, we can see that the player Spingar has more eliminations, final blows, and damage done than the enemy Sojourn player. This information can help you understand how each player performed in the match and how they impacted the outcome of the game.

The comparison page supports picking the hero you want to compare for each player. This allows you to see how each player performed on different heroes and how they stack up against each other on their respective heroes.


There is not currently a way to compare players on the same team. This is a feature that is planned for a future update. Stay tuned for more information!