

The events page shows a timeline of the events that occurred throughout the map. Map events are important moments that can change the course of the map and are important to keep note of. By analyzing the events timeline, you can see when key moments occurred and how they impacted the map.

The events that are currently tracked on the events page are:

  • Match start
  • Match end
  • Round start
  • Round end
  • Objective captures
  • Objective updates
  • Hero swaps
  • Ultimate kills
  • Multikills
  • Ajaxes

There are more custom events that will be added in the future. Have a suggestion for an event you'd like to see? Contact us via Discord (opens in a new tab) or send us an email at [email protected] and let us know!

Events Timeline

The events timeline shows a timeline of the events that occurred throughout the map. Each event is listed with a timestamp and a description of what happened. The events are color-coded based on the team that the event occurred for. Team 1 events are shown in blue, and Team 2 events are shown in red.

Events Timeline An example of the Events timeline showing the events that occurred throughout the map.

This timeline is useful for understanding the key moments that occurred throughout the map. For example, in the above Events timeline, we can see that Spingar killed two players with their ultimate at 2:34. This information can help you find where this event occurred in the replay viewer and analyze how it impacted the map.

There are special events that are tracked on the Events timeline, such as Ajaxes. Ajaxes are a special event that occurs when a Lúcio player dies during the cast of their ultimate ability.

Ajax Event An example of an Ajax event showing when a Lúcio player died during the cast of their ultimate ability.

This information can help you find important blunders that occurred during the map and analyze how they can be avoided in the future.

Ultimate Timeline

The Events page also shows an Ultimate timeline that shows when each player used their ultimate ability throughout the map. The Ultimate timeline is color-coded based on the team that the player is on. Team 1 players are shown in blue, and Team 2 players are shown in red.

Ultimates Used An example of the Ultimate timeline showing when each player used their ultimate ability throughout the map.

This timeline is useful for understanding when each player used their ultimate ability. This can help detect if a player is using their ultimate ability too early or too late and can help you analyze how the ultimate ability usage impacted the map. This is also useful for finding if a player is using their ultimate ability too often or not enough.